How To Plan Your International School Playground

The playground setting serves a critical role in a child’s development. From growing self-confidence, to developing social skills, learning through play, getting active and spending more time outdoors. As a school, a playground is one of the most valuable investments

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The Developmental Benefits of Playground Slides

We all know that playtime is invaluable for children’s development for many reasons, but slides in particular are highly valuable for kids. Broadly speaking, the benefits of a child playing on slides can be broken into two categories: emotional and physical. How

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Fitness comes of age: the lifelong benefits of movement

For seniors, movement and exercise plays a vital role in enhancing health outcomes, wellbeing and quality of life. Improved muscle mass, bone density, strength and balance can significantly reduce the risk of falls­ – all while prolonging lifespan and boosting cognitive

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Playground Trends To Love In 2021

Just when we thought we couldn’t love playgrounds any more than we already did, along came 2020 to drive home the importance of play in in our lives. The global pandemic and lockdown periods have changed the way we live, work

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Are Rope-based Playgrounds Safe?

What is Rope Playground Equipment? Rope playgrounds are climbing nets and structures designed to simulated kids and promote physical activity, which can be fun and safe. Playground rope climbing nets and other rope playground equipment can have unique and eye-catching features

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Focus on hygiene and infection control

2020 has bought a laser-sharp focus on hygiene and infection control. So, what’s the effect on parks and playgrounds, where fun activity often co-exists with crowded spaces and spirited, social kids? We all know that play and the exercise children get

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