Focus on hygiene and infection control

Focus on hygiene and infection control

2020 has bought a laser-sharp focus on hygiene and infection control. So, what’s the effect on parks and playgrounds, where fun activity often co-exists with crowded spaces and spirited, social kids?

We all know that play and the exercise children get from using playground equipment are crucial to bolster mental and physical health for all ages. Fortunately, innovative solutions are helping schools and councils to promote good hygiene in the great outdoors – ranging from anti-microbial playground materials to mobile hand sanitising stations.

Of course, messy play and childhood exposure to certain germs are part of building great memories and a robust immune system. We’re all for it! However, a range of products are emerging that provide smart health benefits when we need them more than ever.

For example, we can now manufacture some playground components that are not only non-toxic, but prevent microbial growth giving more peace of mind for parents and teachers.

This also significantly reduces the growth of bacteria, mould and algae making them especially effective against infections like MRSA (caused by a type of staph bacteria), but at the same time being extremely tough, durable and heat resistant.

In especially wet or humid environments, mould and algae resistance provides real ongoing benefits – helping to prevent discolouration and associated odours.

And when it comes to promoting better hygiene habits in parks and recreation spaces, a few conveniences can make a big difference – like state-of-the-art Shield Stations to dispense hand sanitiser or sunscreen in transit zones, near playgrounds, plazas and al fresco dining areas.

Providing clean drinking water (with anti-bacterial spouts for bubblers and bottle fillers) has also become a non-negotiable in outdoor recreation spaces.

When it comes down to it, the public’s appetite to better control their own health and hygiene – through measures like hand washing, hand sanitisers and masks –  is not going away.

At Playground Centre, we are committed to promoting healthy, happy play in new and innovative ways – ensuring the benefits of outdoor activity continue to shine.

For more information about anti-microbial playground materials or outdoor health and hygiene options, we’d love to talk.