How to be Safe at the Playground

How to be Safe at the Playground

Playgrounds are places of adventure, joy and imagination, where children create memories to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Above all, we need to ensure these are happy memories, rather than a recollection of various bumps and scrapes earned by using unsafe equipment or acting unsafely at the playground.

Check For Hazards

When you arrive at a playground, whether for the first or fiftieth time, take a moment to check your surroundings. Look for any dangerous or worn-out equipment, such as hinges (e.g. under a see-saw) where little fingers can get trapped. Weather damage, insufficient maintenance and arson are all potential reasons as to why a playground may be less safe than it once was, and a quick once-over is usually enough to identify potential risks.

Check the park’s surface; rubber, sand and wood chips provide good cushioning for falls, and should extend more than a metre beyond each piece of equipment (further for swings). Also be on the lookout for any tall equipment without guard rails.

Remove any trip hazards, such as sticks, rocks and even holes that curious children may have dug. Also make sure that any gaps between pieces of equipment are either big enough for your child to fit their whole body through, or small enough that they can’t enter at all. No one likes squeezing partway through a gap only to get their head stuck.

Help Your Child Play Safely

If you do spot any potential dangers, explain them to your child or children so they know what to avoid. Also, make sure you remove any hazards your child may bring onto the playground with them. Skipping ropes, drawstrings and helmet straps can all snag on equipment, so either take them off or tuck them in.

Children love to push their limits, but often don’t know what those limits are. Watch your child as they play, and guide them toward age-appropriate equipment. As a general rule, see-saws, firemen poles, arch climbers, chain-and-cable walks and log rolls are not suitable as toddler play equipment.

Not only this, but you should also encourage your children to use play equipment in the way it was designed. As an example, climbing the wrong way up a slide is an accident waiting to happen if another child were to slide down unawares.

Be mindful of weather conditions

Adverse weather conditions can play a big role in how safe a playground is on any given day. High heat (such as that you would see during the hottest hours of the day) can cause playground equipment to heat up, and rain or snow can cause surfaces intended to be slippery to become even more so. Use your best judgement!

Hamilton Playground Shows How It’s Done

The Lake Domain Playground in Hamilton is a great example of a fun and exciting playground that also meets playground safety standards. With a magical treehouse design, it includes a flying fox, wheelchair accessible carousel and the biggest water play area of its kind in New Zealand. Soft artificial grass pads the ground, and the wooden slats of the treehouse are spaced close enough together to keep curious explorers from getting stuck.

Consult the Playground Safety Experts

With over a hundred years of playground building experience, we at Playground Centre make equipment that is exciting, innovative, safe to use and built to last. Our outdoor playground equipment includes fitness systems and electronic gaming, so your kids can have a great time outside whatever their interests. We take care of the serious side of fun for you, so you can just focus on making wonderful memories. Contact us today!