Playground Designed for a Whole-Body Workout

Playground Designed for a Whole-Body Workout

Working with exercise and movement professionals lets Playground Centre design spaces that work out all parts of the body, and Levi Park is a great example. From the lower legs through to the neck, this playground has it covered.

Whether it’s incidental exercise as part of play, or a more deliberate exercise program, the new Levi Park is designed to provide a whole-body workout. Here’s how:

Equipment Incidental Workout for Kids Structured Workout
Monkey Bars Build strong arms & core. Chin ups for a strong back (lats), shoulders (delts), biceps & abdominal core.
Climbing Ropes Whole body workout. Do as the kids do for cardio & all over resistance.
Stepping Stones Build strong legs & improve balance. Step ups for abdominal core, legs (glutes & quadriceps)
Vertical Ladders Build strong legs & core. Support for lunges, squats & stretching (for flexibility, glutes, quadriceps & hamstrings)
Bridge Build strong legs & core. Have a go! To improve balance & legs.