Power of towers: 6 ways that towers improve playgrounds

Power of towers: 6 ways that towers improve playgrounds

1. Let’s get physical (& psychological)

Towers are a smart way to get a host of health benefits from one fun feature. Balancing, climbing, crawling: they all develop muscles, coordination and confidence. They help fight our sedentary lifestyles with a good dose of stamina and muscle strength – with problem solving thrown in to boost self-esteem. Put it all together in a tower – and you have a great use of space and resources.

2. Let’s be friends

Towers naturally become the focal point of playgrounds: a place to meet, talk, play, create, climb to and slide from. Line up, interact, take turns and squeal with excitement: it’s social development through serious fun.

3. Fire up imaginations

We’ve created everything from a small ‘water tank’ tower to reflect a region’s farming heritage to a 10-metre high tower resembling an impressive lighthouse, with three twirling tube slides and a climbing wall. Castles, fire stations, magic faraway trees: towers can become anything in a child’s mind.

4. Get them talking (& coming back)

It has been proven to us time and time again: towers are a magnet and talking point for fun-lovers of all ages.  The standout feature of so many destination playgrounds – like Hamilton Lake Domain – they’re an immediate visual cue that promises something exciting, fun and different. They can transform a pleasant-enough playground into a prized space that kids and adults rave about.

5. Tower of versatility

Net towers, rotating towers, smaller units for the littlies or fully customised towers that reach for the sky: there’s something for every fun-lover and every budget. It doesn’t have to be huge – and it’s certainly not only for the kids. You can even combine them with an exercise circuit for fun and fitness rolled into one.

6. The perfect combination

The beauty of towers is your ability to choose components and combine it with other equipment – including all-inclusive options – for truly unique spaces. Create a host of different activity paths, choose something simple or create a one-off tower that has never been seen before. It can all be tailored to suit users, demographics and the local community.

Want towers of inspiration for your playground? See our full range of towers at www.playgroundcentre.com or Download our Play Book for the best playgrounds of 2016.