Build a play space with more people in mind and more people will come, but an accessible playground also enhances a community’s appreciation of diversity and inclusion. And that’s just what’s happened in Dunedin.”
Customised for community needs
Safe, inclusive fun and fitness was the brief from Dunedin locals and the upgraded play space at Bathgate Park delivers in spades. The customised playground adjoining the community’s sporting grounds embraces families of all ages and abilities.
Community consultation was key to informing the renovation of Bathgate Park for Dunedin City Council. The design by Bespoke Landscape Architects addresses safety without compromising on fun, while the customised equipment provided by Playground Centres ensures a wide range of community members are catered for.
Come in Spinner!
The many customised elements of the upgrade playground ensure Bathgate Park will be enjoyed by families of all ages and abilities for years to come.
The park’s swing features two standard seats, a basket swing, and an Expressions Swing Seat from Playground Centre which allows an adult and child under five to sit face-to-face.
The Inclusive Carousel invites everyone to join in the good, old-fashioned fun with room for wheelchairs and seating for carers, parents with prams or just heaps of kids at once.
The Custom Junior Fort features a climbing net, plank climb and stainless steel slide, while the nearby Custom Timber Activity Trail offers more advances balance and climbing challenges.
Ringing tunes from the Emperor Chimes Musical Instrument will ensure a lively soundtrack for the family fun and socialising.
A half-basketball court joins nearby rugby and softball fields, while new tables and seating complete the playground area. Hedging serves as a safety barrier to busy nearby streets, while additional plantings add sensory and textural experiences while further blending the park into the local environment.
Feeling inspired? Talk to one of our playground design and build specialists today.
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