The serious side of swings

The serious side of swings

Swings nurture physical, social and cognitive development through play. They stimulate balance, imagination and fine motor skills including hand, arm and finger coordination.

Swinging builds self-esteem by gradually mastering the skills to move independently and higher, while swinging together encourages social interaction. For adults, swings provide a brilliant abdominal workout along with renewed fun and freedom!

Swinging is pure fun with some surprisingly serious benefits.

Through play, swings help promote brain development, motor skills and social capabilities. Their many healthy benefits include:

  • gross motor skills: locomotion, balancing and body coordination as children run and jump onto swings, help push others and develop pumping motions
  • fine motor skills: hand, arm and finger coordination, grip strength and circling motions of arms and legs
  • social and emotional development: cooperation, taking turns and sharing, social interaction by swinging with others
  • cognitive development: dramatic play, use of imagination (eg pretend to be flying)
  • sensory stimulation, body awareness, visual perception
  • confidence and self-esteem: progression from beginner (needing help) to advanced swinger with good balance, skills and coordination needed to swing high
  • fitness: children and teenagers engaged in active fun while adults can enjoy a great abdominal workout.