Projects > Carnation Park QLD

Carnation Park QLD

Logan City, Australia
Councils & Developers | Landscape Architects

Play Priorities

Logan City Council were developing a park that needed some unique pieces that would introduce motion and enable disabled users and families to have fun and enjoy the facilities. They wanted to specifically focus on developing bike and scooter skills in a safe, welcoming environment.

Fun Solution

Playground Centre’s Bikemania range was the perfect pick for the new park space. Our Bikemania system provides endless fun and fitness for all ages and can be installed in any environment, as a complete package or in individual components. The course allows users of any ages to take their bike or scooter over, under and around challenging obstacles to improve balance, agility, and coordination.

In addition, an all inclusive Seesaw Ship rocker has been a clear park favourite since its introduction. The ultimate large, rocking see-saw is perfect for disabled users and general use and fun.