Projects > West Melton Primary School

West Melton Primary School

West Melton, Australia

“The Xtreme 557 fitness playground is an absolute hit with our senior students! They are all over it during break time and play a chase game as well as the usual swinging, climbing and monkeying around. Playground Centre has been very supportive throughout the process, from the first visit to introduce their products through to fundraising suggestions, and the formal paperwork including engineering specifications. We have appreciated working with them to modernise our play area for the senior students, and are thrilled with the playground.”

Helen Howden, Board of Trustees, West Melton School

Play Priorities

West Melton Primary School (Years 1 – 8) was eager to offer a playground specifically for their senior students.

Fun Solution

The result was a physically challenging play area exclusively designed and belonging to the older students. The area also provides students with a space to interact and socialise.