Six ways to encourage people to have fun and get fit outdoors

Six ways to encourage people to have fun and get fit outdoors

We here at Playground Centre like to encourage people to be healthy, and we would like to help you be able to do the same. Check out our 6 easy ways of using a combination of our equipment and some simple strategies to encourage people to have fun and get fit outdoors!

  1. Make your Fitness Stations easy to access– make sure there is nearby public transport, car parks, or a bike path. Also ensure the Fitness Stations are clearly indicated by signs on all major roads or paths so it is easy for people to find. It is a good idea to advertise the equipment in your local paper and website to let people know or just remind them about the free way to get fit!
  2. Order a selection of Fitness Stations according to your budget but also ensuring a full body workout is achieved. We have made this easy for you with our Fitness Combos.
  3. Locate the Fitness Station close to a children’s playground to increase the likelihood of parents coming to work out while their children are playing. Make it close enough so that they can watch their little ones while working out, but far enough so that children don’t get hurt whilst running around.
  4. Locate the Fitness Station close to a school or a day care centre so that children or teenagers can use it under supervision. Instructions are provided on the signs or simply go on-line to access the complementary training programs.
  5. Position restrooms, a drinking fountain and rubbish bins nearby so people can have a drink of water or refill their bottle when they need to!
  6. Organise some professional sport trainers to conduct a free demonstration on a regular basis (the first Saturday of every month for example) to promote healthy living and outdoors workouts. It is a good way to advertise the Fitness Stations and keep people interested in it – they are more likely to come back and use the stations themselves later.