People-Powered Play Spaces: Your Guide to User-Centred Playground Design

People-Powered Play Spaces: Your Guide to User-Centred Playground Design

We reveal our step-by-step process for creating places where people love to play.

Research and experience show that the more involved a community and users are in the development of a play space for their school or park, the higher the use and the better the outcomes for everyone involved.

In People-Powered Play Spaces: A Guide to User-Centred Playground Design, Playground Centre shares its proven 4-step design process that translates specific needs and interests into imaginative, exciting and memorable play experiences.

People are at the heart of great playground design

The important role playgrounds play in creating healthier, more liveable communities has put their design in the spotlight.

A practical application of the principles of user-centred (or human-centred) design, our design process is based on an intrinsic understanding that the best playgrounds meet the diverse needs of the people who use them.

Every playground project is a collaboration that starts with the community and stakeholders we are designing for and ends with a play space tailored to suit their needs and add value to their lives.

It’s crucial to ‘dig deep’ and discover not only why and how people will use a play space but how they want to feel when they play there.

There are wonderful examples of where the culture or history of a location has inspired a unique, destination-style playground – making it a more meaningful experience for locals and visitors alike. Or, where a school’s focus on teaching students about sustainability has resulted in the inclusion of equipment made from locally sourced materials, increasing the ‘feel good’ factor.

5 reasons why you should work with a playground specialist

Working with a company that specialises in user-centred playground design can be the difference between building a play space you think people will like and building a play space you know people will love. It also guarantees:

  1. End-to-end ease: The right process from the start saves you time, money and stress and delivers better outcomes.
  2. Personalised support: A dedicated project manager to help you navigate every step from design, equipment selection to installation.
  3. Creative ideas: Access to best practice thinking on inclusive, developmental and age-appropriate playground design.
  4. Compliance: In-house expertise to help you tick all of the boxes when it comes to procurement, installation and safety certification.
  5. Consultation tools: Designs and documents, including 3D illustrations, to make decision-making and approvals a breeze.

Download our People-Powered Play Spaces guide and start planning your playground with the playground design and build professionals at Playground Centre. Contact us today to book an obligation-free planning session.