Page 11 - Fahr
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Showtime Mirror               Wobbly Mirror                Concave Mirror               Convex Mirror
        Shatterproof polycarbonate   Manufactured with a rolled and   Polished stainless steel mirror   Polished stainless steel mirror
      mirror with durable bolted HDPE   polished stainless steel mirror   giving a compression effect.  giving a magnified effect.
               frame.                       panel.

        Underwater Scene              Underwater Sub             Pirate Head Through           Where Shall We Go
      Can be supplied with a clear or   Can be supplied with a clear or   Become a pirate for a few   Pirate theme panel with rotating
          mirrored shatterproof        mirrored shatterproof    seconds, with this classic head   pointer to help initiate your
          polycarbonate dome.          polycarbonate dome.            through panel.          playground pirate adventures.

            Bob and Dolly Photo Opportunity Panels                                What Time Is It
      EN and ASTM compliant head and arm through panels that you can reach   The original and extremely popular clock panel, featuring rotating hour
               through and play the PlayTronic Acoustic Guitars.                 and minute hand discs.

             World Map                 Today’s Weather NGP                 Play Chime            How Tall Beanstalk
       Graphic panel with simple world   Six sliding weather discs, five sliding   Tough, durable, beaterless chime   Panel with height
         map, find the countries and   temperature discs and rotating wind   panel with stainless steel chimes.  measurements to see how
               continents.             indicator disc, what is today’s                            far up the beanstalk you
                                              weather?                                                   are.

       To see more products and videos, please visit our website:
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