Page 18 - Fahr
P. 18

Giant Chimes                 Tall Chimes                  Tube Chimes                  Flat Chimes
        75mm diameter giant tube    50mm diameter tube chimes,   38mm diameter tube chimes,     Flat chimes, pentatonic
      chimes, pentatonic notes CDEGA.   notes C-C. Complete with   notes C-C. Complete with    CDEGACDE. Complete with
      Complete with aluminium posts   aluminium posts and two     aluminium posts and two      aluminium posts and two
         and two mallets/beaters.        mallets/beaters.             mallets/beaters.             mallets/beaters.

           Spin Maracas                 5 Bells Panel           Shake Rattle and Roll            Tongue Drum
       Two different bead sizes giving   Five stainless steel bells with   Large diameter rotating drum   Stainless steel Tongue Drum with
         different tones from each   different tones. Complete with   with hundreds of ball bearings   oriental tone. Complete with
         maraca. Complete with        aluminium posts and two   inside. Complete with aluminium    aluminium post.
            aluminium posts.             mallets/beaters.       posts and two mallets/beaters.

                Chimes Quartet                         Flower Bells                     Diatonic Cam Chimes
       Compact unit with four 50mm diameter tube   Attractive and great sounding stainless steel   38mm diameter tube chimes with built-in cam
       chimes on a single aluminium post. Complete   bells with a daisy style surround. Complete with   beaters in colours to match the notes C-C.
                with mallet/beater.            aluminium post and two mallets/beaters.   Complete with aluminium posts.

                 Bongo Tree                          Spin Maraca Tree                  Pentatonic Cam Chimes
      New super-durable HDPE Bongos mounted on a   Three different ball bearing sizes giving   38mm diameter tube chimes with built-in cam
               single aluminium post.         different tones from each maraca. Complete   beaters in colours to match the pentatonic
                                                      with aluminium posts.                   notes CDEGA.
                                                                                        Complete with aluminium posts.
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