Page 24 - Fahr
P. 24

Twist Bearing Run Insert
                                                                                     Rotate the insert and hundreds of stainless
                                                                                     steel ball bearings run down a zig-zag ball

                                                                                          Spiral Shifter Insert
                       Colour Wheel Kaleidoscope Insert                              Rotate the insert and the small puck moves
      Rotate the front disc with red, yellow, blue and green transparent polycarbonate inserts, to mix   around the spiral depending on the rotation.
                 the colours with the corresponding coloured windows on the back.

        “Sensory activities, in addition to being fun
      and interesting for young children, encourage
              children to explore and investigate”

                                                                                          Tumble Turn Insert
                                                                                      Rotate the insert, watch and listen to the
                                                                                      hundreds of ball bearings as they tumble
                                                                                               over the pins.

       Round Tumble Ball Cog Insert               3 in a Row Insert
      Turn the wheel to rotate the cogs. Watch and   Easy-glide counters in slots make this game
       listen to the ball bearings tumble over the   popular, fun and easy to play.
                                                                                          River Rapids Insert
                                                                                    Move the sliding disc to the top of the panel,
                                                                                     let it go and watch it tumble to the bottom.

             Spin Maze Insert                    Make it Rain Insert                        Spin Dice Insert
       Rotate the insert to navigate the ball bearing    Rotate the insert and thousands of tiny   Spin the dice disc to roll your next number.
         around the maze from start to finish.  stainless steel ball bearings cascade to create   Features a built in clicker.
                                                  a wonderful rain sound.
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