Page 32 - FHS
P. 32


                                                The modular system for tailor-made play combinations

                                                Varioset combinations fulfil the  With a choice of material finis-
                                                versatile playing needs of chil-  hes, Varioset play combinati-
                                                dren of all ages and abilities.  ons can be created to suit any
                                                They satisfy the need for mo-  budget and site location offe-
                                                vement, offer room for adven-  ring endless opportunities for
                                                ture and can develop into      adventure.
                                                meeting points within a com-

                                                These independent platforms
                                                and play elements can be com-
                                                bined to create breath-taking
                                                structures offering a focal
                                                point for any play area.
                                                Through careful planning, Va-
                                                rioset systems can offer role
                                                play, adventure, dynamic mo-
                                                vement and social interaction
                                                but equally important are the
                                                opportunities for relaxation
                                                and solitary play.


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