Page 6 - Huck Catalogue 27 - 2022-2023
P. 6


           We Bring Colour to Play

           With fuchsia & turquoise and new connectors

           In 2022 we have added two new variants to our   The colours of our plastic connectors (T-piece,   The high quality of the rope is guaranteed. We
           diverse range of colours for the Hercules rope:   ball knot, rope connector) are also completely   use a variety of test methods to ascertain the
           fuchsia, similar to RAL 4003 and turquoise, si-  new this year – in addition to our black and   rope breaking forces, test UV resistance, abra-
           milar to RAL 6027. With the two new colors,   beige colours, they are now also available in   sion resistance and dimensional stability. Safety
           every playground will be eye catching - fuchsia   yellow, blue and red.   is the top priority for all HUCK products.
           is a bright pink tone, sending a clear signal. It
           stands for extravagance and looks inviting. Tur-  The HUCK Hercules rope consists of six poly-
           quoise is a vibrant yellow-green that radiates   ester-coated steel strands and has a diameter
           security and calmness.            of 16 mm.

                                                                                   Get creative with us
                                                                                   and design your colour
                                                                                   concept free of charge.

           Subject to technical changes                                                    NEW PRODUCTS      5
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