Page 7 - Playground Centre Product Catalogue Edition 9
P. 7

The keys to great play

            Our playgrounds and products target important developmental benefits and
            specific age groups. Here’s the key to symbols used throughout this catalogue.

            Every age

                  Toddlers              Primary to        Teenagers to         Whole Family /
                  & Pre-Schoolers       Big Kids          Young Adults         Young at Heart

            Development benefits

             AGL      Agility (AGL): Is the ability to move and change   ICP  Imaginative or Creative Play (ICP): a style of
                      direction and position of the body quickly and   playing where a child uses their imagination during
                      effectively while under control.                 play time. It allows a child to explore their own
                                                                       identity, make decisions and create their own rules,
             BAL      Balance (BAL): Evenly distributing one’s weight   control behaviour and practice the act of creation
                      to remain upright and steady.                    which helps develop sense-of- self and boosts
                                                                       confidence. During creative “let’s pretend” playtime,
             CO‑ORD   Co-ordination (CO-ORD): The organisation         a child experiences new thoughts and feelings and
                      of different body parts so they can work
                      effectively together.                            begins to learn how to respond.
             FMS      Fine motor skills (FMS): Skills required to manipulate   LOCO  Move in any and every direction.
                      and gain control over materials and tools including   Social Development (SD): The ability to interact
                      grasping, manipulating and hand-eye co-ordination.   SD  and work with others, and the acquisition of skills

             FLEX     Flexibility (FLEX): The capacity of a joint or muscle to   for effective relationships (ie sharing, waiting a turn,
                                                                       working as a team).
                      move through its full range of motion. Good flexibility
                      is an important part of the overall fitness profile and is   TW  Team Work (TW): The process of working collaboratively
                      also important for injury prevention.            with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.

             GMS      Gross motor skills (GMS): The ability to control large
                      body muscles including the arms, legs, hands, feet,
                      head, neck and torso - for walking, running, sitting,
                      crawling, climbing, balancing, jumping, catching,
                      throwing and striking. These skills foster a lifelong
                      ability to participate in physical activity including sport
                      and recreation.

            Serious confidence

            Built for durability and low maintenance, our products
            provide value and hassle‑free performance.

                Meet or exceed quality assurance standards.
                Meet or exceed all relevant safety standards.

                Backed by comprehensive warranties.
            See page 215 for detailed information about quality,
            safety and warranties.

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