Page 2 - Playground Centre State Of Play 8
P. 2


                                  With our catalogue we would like to invite you
                                  to discover our diverse range of products. Ori-

                                  ginality and quality matters to us. In fact it is
                                  our top priority. Take advantage of the incre-
                                  dible wealth in shapes that robinia wood has to

                                  offer as well as our longstanding experience in
                                  planning and construction of playgrounds. Our
                                  partners near you offer professional advice and
                                  look forward to hearing from you.


       Publisher                  Management                 Register court              Certification
       SIK-Holzgestaltungs GmbH    Klaus-Peter Gust, marc Oelker  Amtsgericht Potsdam    EmAS, FSC, Blauer Engel
                                                             HrB 8656 – Steuer-Nr.:050/158/02369
       Editing                    External picture credits                               Status
       Claudia Gust, Nicole Becker,    C1 Joel Vodell; p. 16 Timothy    Printing         01/2020
       Thomas Lupa                meinberg ; p. 26 Ciocan Ciprian;    Druckerei Lokay e. K.
                                  p. 46 Andrew Ly; p. 56 Barn            © SIK-Holz®
       Layout, illustration, pictures   Images; P. 72 Hannah Skelly
       Kathleen Gust              p. 104 Susan Yin; p. 124 Olia Nayda   Paper
                                  p. 140 Jessica Furtney; C3 Annie   recycled paper, non-alcoholic
       3D-constructions, top views   Spratt; C4 rayn Hafey    vegetable oil-based paints,
       Gregor Gleibs, Viola Liehr  on        climate-neutral production
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