Page 4 - eibe 2022-23
P. 4


          to eibe.


     „The future depends on what we do today,“ said Mahatma Gandhi.
      This is more true today than ever before. Sustainability, climate change and
      environmental protection are on everyone‘s lips and that is a good thing:

      Because our mission must be to protect the environment in order to secure the
      future of our children. Companies in particular have a duty to set a good
      example. Not tomorrow or in the future, but today!

      We at eibe take this obligation seriously. The topics of sustainability and
      environmental protection have been firmly anchored in the corporate philosophy

      for many years. They have been assigned high priority, laid down in binding
      targets and are being constantly implemented. This starts with the CO2-neutral,
      resource-saving  wood for our eibe play worlds and continues with
      comprehensive investments in modern manufacturing processes to increase

      material efficiency and the reduction of energy and water consumption,
      emissions and waste.

      Of course, we are continuously pursuing this path towards even more
      environmental protection: Our innovative team of experts is working tirelessly
      to optimise our measures. Follow this path together with us – together we will

      manage to treat our earth with more care.

      Against the background of the idea of sustainability in the development and
      production of our eibe play and sports worlds, we would like to convey fun in
      play, motivation for movement and the desire for new challenges to children,
      teenagers and adults – all this with attractive play values, pedagogical

      standards, holistic concepts, quality and safety that will inspire you.
      We hope you enjoy discovering, browsing and ordering.

      Sincerely yours,
      Your eibe team
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