Page 9 - eibe 2022-23
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                                 FSC  ®

                                 The FSC  trademark on wood and wood products stands for transparency and
                                 credibility worldwide. It ensures that people and nature are treated fairly and


                                 EMAS is a joint system for environmental management and environmental
                                 auditing (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) of the European Union. The

                                 certification according to ISO 14001 and the validation by EMAS certify eibe
                                 to make an effective contribution to environmental protection in all areas of

                                 the company.

                                 CLIMATE PROTECTION IN THE WOOD INDUSTRY

                                 “Climate Protection Wood Industry” is an initiative of the Main Association of the

                                 German Wood Industry (Hauptverband der deutschen Holzindustrie - HDH)  in
                                 cooperation with the Society for Climate Protection for the Wood Industry –
                                 GKH Ltd. (Gesellschaft für Klimaschutz für die Holzindustrie – GKH GmbH)

                                 The goal of the initiative is a climate-neutral industry. On the basis of energy and
                                 CO2 balances, the participating companies are supported in identifying sources

                                 of emissions and taking operational environmental and energy management
                                 measures – and ultimately becoming climate neutral.

                                 ENVIRONMENTAL PACT OF BAVARIA

                                 The Bavarian Environmental Pact (UMWELTPAKT BAYERN) is an agreement
                                 between the Bavarian State Government and the Bavarian industry. Voluntariness,
                                 assumption of personal responsibility for environmental protection and

                                 cooperative action are part of the basic understanding. Currently, more than 2600
                                 companies are involved in the Environmental Pact for Sustainable Business.

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