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Why Choose


                                                                                   Experts In Play
                                                                                   Equipment Design
                                                                                   We have been manufacturing
    Play is an important part of                                                   play equipment for over 30
    children’s development in
    their early years and
    inclusive playground design
    allows children of all ages
    and abilities to enjoy
                                                                                   Precision CNC
    playing together.
                                                                                   At Fahr, attention to detail is
    Children develop a huge array of personal
    skills in the playground environment.                                          paramount.
    These include social skills, imagination,
    creativity, thinking and problem solving
    skills, sense of self, sense of connection
    and self-care skills. Inclusive playground
    design allows all children to benefit from
    the environment.                                                               B2B Trade Suppliers
    Inclusive playground equipment ensures
    that all playgrounds are accessible to                                         Our team can assist you
    everyone and that our play equipment                                           wherever you are based.
    caters for both non-disabled and disabled
    children. This element of playground
    design is incredibly important to us and is
    something we focus on throughout our
    product design process.
                                                                                   Large Range of OEM
    Whilst some of our products have stronger                                      Products
    features than others, all our products have                                    We can design, create and
    elements of inclusive design.
                                                                                   supply all of your OEM

                                                                                   Customer Bespoke
                                                                                   Supply us with your designs and
                                                                                   we’ll make them a reality.

                                                                                   Fast and Reliable
                                                                                   We are dedicated to giving
                                                                                   you the best quality products
                                                                                   and service.
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