Page 4 - Fahr
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Our Services

        At Fahr, we work with some                                  Fast, efficient design and
        of the largest and most                                     manufacturing, with over 30
                                                                    years of product experience.
        respected playground

        companies in the world. Our                                 Using the latest CAD and CAM drawing
                                                                    packages, we have the capability to produce
        passion is working with our                                 innovative products and components that will
                                                                    help keep your company at the forefront of
        customers to bring their                                    playground equipment design.

        ideas to life, creating
                                                                    We provide a complete product design and
        great products and                                          manufacturing service. Choose from our

        components that everyone                                    standard range of panels or submit a sketch,
                                                                    image file or CAD drawing for us to turn your
        can play with.                                              ideas into reality.
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