Page 12 - A Fresh Look @ Fitness
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Fitness for all ages

         and  areas

                                                               For seniors and their carers

                                                               Playground Centre offers a range of fitness stations specifically
                                                               designed for over 60s in collaboration with exercise and human
                                                               movement specialists.

                                                                            Download our
                                                                            Senior Fitness Pack

              A full-body workout on one station.

              Add a whole new dimension of strengthening exercises
              with the specialist-designed, multi-purpose Ex-Bench.

                         Learn more about
                         the Ex-Bench

          Fun is for life.

         We’ve made it easy to choose   Shoulders   Neck   Abs
         the best play equipment to           Equipment  (Delts)  (Traps)  Upper Arms   Back of arms   Back  (Lats)  Chest  (Pecs)  (Semitendinosus)  Abdominis)  Quads  Glutes  Lower leg   (Gastrocnemuis)  Tips for teachers
                                 Balance Beam
         use all parts of the body.      Barrel Roller
                                 Bicep Buster
                                 Burmese Bridge
                                 Cargo Bridge
                                 Cave Bridge
                                 Chin Up Bars
                                 Cliff Hanger
                   Neck          Commando Challenge
                  Will ensure my head is always aligned        Commando Net  We’ve made it easy to choose the best play equipment
                                 Crazy Bars
                  with my body (and for looking around).
                                 Deep Run Bridge
                                 Double Scaling Wall
                    Shoulders      Gladiator Rings
                    Important for lifting and housework (oh no!)      Gladiator Rise
                                 Gym Rings
                     Upper and back of arms      Hand & Foot Climber  for students to use all parts of the body.
                    So I can handle the monkey bars or throw        Hanging Rings - D
                                 Hanging Rings - S
                    a ball hard and fast with ease!
                                 Hurdles - Set of 3
                                 Invasion Wall
                     Back        Jump Touch
                     For good posture forever.      Jungle Nets
                                 Labyrinth Bridge
                     Chest       Leap Frog / Stretch
                                 Leg Bridge
                     To push myself up, and for activities like surfing.      Leg Stretch
                                 Monkey Bars
                    Abs          Mountain Climber
                    Support my back to do everything        Muscle Buster
                    (and for riding a horse or even a bull).      Oval Swinger
                                 Parallel Bars
                    Glutes       Push Up Bars
                                 Precipice Walk
                    Cycle de tour.      Rattler
                                 Ravine Crossing
                   Hamstrings      Rockwall                                 Register to receive
                   So I can do a slam dunk and high jump.      Scramble Wall
                                 Sit Up Bench
          Lower legs and calves  Quads      Sky Surfer
                                 Skyline Reach
         Give me a spring and speed in my step!  To ski, skate, or surf like a champion        Sliding Poles
                  (or to be a mountain climber)!
                                 Snake Bite
                                 Spider Web                                 Muscle Poster
                                 Spin Bars
         Tips for teachers       Stepper
                                 Stepping Logs
                                 Stepping Stones
                                 Straddle Jump
         Register      Use the table       Stretch & Reach
                                 Terrain Run
         For our ‘School Fun + Fitness’ program at    equipment works       Thread Ascent
                       to identify what
                                 Tightrope Walk    different muscle       Tornado
                                 Turbo Challenge
         to receive tips on how to introduce more  students a full body       Twisted Commando Net
                       groups to give
         fun and fitness in your class.  workout.      Vertical Ladders
                                 Twister Spider Web
                                Whisper Glide
                                Zig Zag Walk
         © Copyright 2014 Playground Centre.
                                             NZ FREECALL  0800 805 256     AUS FREECALL 1800 092 897
                                                                                       International: +646 348 9054         NZ (Freephone): 0800 805 256     UAE: 8000320392                     AU (Freephone): 1800 092 897     Singapore: +65 3 159 1798
         12           Freecall (NZ) 0800 805 256           Freecall (AUS) 1800 092 897                                                                                                                  PB
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