Page 3 - eibe Ecorino Brochure
P. 3

tricks from each other. While there are still people   construction, materials and skate park designs.  potential customers.  Skaters want a guarantee that
      that see skate parks as problem areas, there are   Many ramp producers are less dedicated to detail   they get premiere quality skate ramps, as inferior
      many more communities who realise that a good   and are satisfi ed if they can sell a few structures that   quality ramps degrade in less than a year, quickly
      skate park contributes to a well balanced community,   they combine into a “so called” skate park.  rendering them dangerous and “out of service”.
      developing for example :
                                              Thirdly, communities should realise that a dedicated
      •  respect between young and old        skate park requires a suitable budget. It is easy to   develOPMent OF tHe RaMPs
      •  learning from each other (mentally and physically)  provide the skaters with a quarter-pipe and a fun-box
      •  communication                        and then think you have correctly responded to the   When we started to develop our “Rhino” system
      •  responsibility                       requirement. This unfortunate attitude is often counter   more than 10 years ago, we imitated as much as pos-  (good dealer network), technical advantages, good
      •  physical development                 productive. Only well sized skate parks that corres-  sible the well built wooden ramps, such as are used   park designs, market research  / knowledge and
      •  challenges                           pond to the interests of skaters (and this group is still   for major competitions and popular indoor parks. A   continuous adaption to skating evolution make us a
                                              growing), will be popular and well frequented, thus   well built wooden ramp provides the skater with the   preferred manufacturer. We are proud to have
                                              contributing positive benefi ts to the local community.  ride he or she requires, namely, a stable construction   pioneered many new standards in the skate ramp
      GOOd PaRKs                                                                       with suffi cient fl ex to absorb vibrations, a fast   world and we will continue to maintain the respect
                                              Small parks with inferior quality structures are   surface and dependable adherence for the board or   from the skaters by involving buyers and users in the
      The skaters need to communicate their needs with the   avoided by skaters. Skateboarding is a serious sport /   skates under all weather conditions.  development process. The major task of the dealers is
      commune, learn how to negotiate, excercise responsi-  lifestyle and must be treated as such; with worthy   Unfortunately, wood is not durable enough for   to explain to future clients and skaters why there are
      bility and, fi nally, demonstrate respect for what they   development budgets such as enjoyed by other   outdoor public spaces, and therefore, we were   advantages to our modular system.
      get. When we provide public sporting places for the   sports, for example soccer/tennis fi elds or swimming   obliged to look for alternative materials that could
      youngster generation, we have an important   pools. There are more kids in the USA practising   withstand all climate extremes.  Many people still classify skate facilities into two
      responsibility for safe design.         skateboarding than baseball. This huge group of   To create our market winning skate ramps, we opted   main groups, (1) customised concrete parks or (2)
                                              sport activists deserves well conceived skate sport   for the best available composite materials that have   modular parks. We have created a Third classifi cation,
      In the fi rst place, the community should provide a   facilities.                the equivalent desirable characteristics of wood.  namely high quality composite RHINO ramps with a
      suitable location. There must be means for social                                                                         reputation for durability and reliability that other
      control and the skate park should be easily accessible   Skateboard installations have specifi c needs and                manufacturers can only dream of.
      for the users. Parents need to know that their kids are   characteristics that can only be build and advised by   COnClUsiOn
      in a designated safe location.          specialised, professional companies who have a                                    Peter van Winkel
      Secondly, the communities should buy from proven   proven practical skating “know-how”.   The proven Rhino quality outclasses any existing   Owner RHINO RAMPS
      professional companies. We design skate parks                                    skate park system in the world. Our combination of
      according to European safety norms, which results,   In the next step, I will disclose all the essentials in   skating experience, CNC/CAD technology, high
      with well integrated ramp confi gurations and fl ow, in   our skate ramp system that reveal a simple truth -   quality composite materials, world-wide experience
      desirable and safe facilities. Our designs are controlled   that a good skate park survives on details. It is
      by an offi cial independent testing house , the TÜV,   extremely important to underline these facts with
      who annually recertify the production, products,
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