Page 5 - eibe Ecorino Brochure
P. 5

6    tRansitiOn PROteCtiOn                                                       11    RHinOtOP
                                              All the transitions of our ramps are protected with a                             The quality of this specially developed riding surface is
                                              galvanised steel transition plate, mounted flush with the                         second to none. It’s the dream of every skater combined
                                              surface. With no gaps or sharp edges, our transitions skate                       with a durability comparable to steel.
                                              smoother and safer than our competitors.                                          This surface has a perfect grip on the skate wheels, it’s very
                                                                                                                                impact and gouge resistant, it’s fire resistant, absorbs no
                                                                                                                                water and it doesn’t burn your skin when you slide on
                                                                                                                                the ramps. This surface, together with our unique
                                                                                                                                subconstruction, gives the ramps the professional feeling
                                              alUMiniUM PROFiles                                                                the skaters are looking for.
                                         7    Used for non-skateable edges, they give the ramps a                               Under our riding surface you can find a glassfibre reinforced
                                              quality finish.                                                                   PP-underlay, to reduce the noise as much as possible.

                                              seaM PROteCtiOns
                                         8    All vertical seams in the riding surface are covered with a
                                              hot galvanised steel seam protection, mounted flush with
                                              the surface. This unique solution creates a smoother riding
                                              surface and protects the inside edges  of the surface.

                                                                                                                          12    We have kinked, straight, rectangular and round grindrails
                                                                                                                                in a number of different configurations.
                                                                                                                                The ends of all of our grindrails are curved down to
                                                                                                                                minimize the effect of an impact.

                                              HPl GROUnd COntaCt stRiPs
                                         9    The side panels are supported by 6 mm (1/4”) HPL strips
                                              to allow a good ventilation together with the ventilation
                                              holes in the side panels.

                                              stainless steel sCReWs
                                         10   All the screws have a specially designed, double asymetric
                                              thread. These screws hold 40 % better than normal screws
                                              and won’t come loose under mechanical pressure.
                                              Anti-vandalism heads prevent disassembling.
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