Page 8 - Playground Centre State Of Play 8
P. 8

    06   SIK-Holz  › Playground planning
       The playground

       Playgrounds are places where people of all ages       In 1971, the requirements for good playground

       can  come  together,  no  matter  whether  they       planning were compiled in DIN 18034. A review
       are in densely populated cities or in the coun-       is conducted every five years to assess whether
       tryside. Children and teenagers can meet here,        this standard needs revising. It has to be revi-
       young parents can swap experiences, older peo-        sed every ten years. The aim of this is to design

       ple can watch the children playing and maintain       playgrounds in such a way that they are fun and
       their social contacts. When it comes to the de-       inclusive for all users.
       sign of playgrounds, there are many good ideas
       and plans that are neither suitable for children

       nor user-friendly.

                       Experience nature:
                       •  Building spaces through trees,
                          hills, shrubs and walls
                       •  Discovering the habitats of plants
                          and animals
                       •  Playing with temporary materials

                       Encouraging physical activity
                       and sensory development

                       •  Flat surfaces for mobile equipment
                       •  Areas for ball games
                       •  Play equipment with useful game play
                          that promotes balance, motor skills,
                          coordination, strength and endurance
                       •  Playing with water and sand

                       Social contacts:
                       •  Meeting place for young people
                       •  Retreats for quiet games
                       •  Accessible recreation areas for all users
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