Page 9 - Playground Centre State Of Play 8
P. 9

                                                                                            Playground planning ‹ SIK-Holz ®  07

          »Playing awakens the creative potential of

          the child and creates an area of

          self-empowerment and self-realisation

          of individual freedom

          for young people

          and adults.«

          German sports association

                                                           Two-senses principle:
                                                           By appealing to two senses (sight,
                                                           sound, touch, taste) when designing a
                                                           playground, this increases the number
                                                           of user groups and length of stay.

                  In terms of user participation, it is
                  important that the demographic
                  structure is adequately reflected to
                  consider the interests of children of
                  different ages and abilities, different
                  social classes as well as boys and girls.  Two-way principle:
                                                           Play equipment and items should be
                                                           accessible from at least two diffe-
                                                           rent locations. At least one location
                                                           should be easily accessible.

                  Playgrounds should be accessible
                  for everyone to avoid unnecessary
                  obstructions. Playing and interac-       Signage:
                  tion between different users can be      A signage system for the individu-
                  achieved by participating and using      al play areas through sight, sound,
                  different abilities and skills, as well as   touch, taste, smell or body awareness
                  the choice of subsequent play equip-     makes all users orient themselves
                  ment.                                    around the playground easily.
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