Page 5 - A Fresh Look @ Fitness
P. 5



                                                         for cardio health, flexibility

                                                         & muscle strength

                                                         Sit and stand options to improve cardio health, strength
                                                         and toning. Whole body workout opportunities for upper
                                                         and lower body plus core and back strength. Variety is
                                                         key, with age-inclusive options.

                                                                                 Recumbent cycle
                                                                                 (sitting, spine support, use legs)
                                                                                 •  Great low-intensity cardio exercise
                                                                                   and lower body resistance training.
                                                                                 •  Safe and versatile for beginners
                                                                                   and experienced exercisers alike.
                                                                                 •  Good for seniors, takes pressure
                                                                                   off the spine.

                                                                                 Horse rider
                                                                                 (sitting, use arms + legs)
                                                                                 •  A full-body workout that improves
                                                                                   stamina, cardio functioning and
                                                                                   coordination while developing
                                                                                   upper and lower body muscles.
                                                                                 •  Tone muscles, improve posture
                                                                                   and increase metabolism.

                                                                                 (standing, use arms + legs)
                          Compact but clever                                     •  Full-body, low-impact
                                                                                   aerobic workout.
                          There’s still plenty of                                •  Machine motion allows for low
                          free space for all kinds of                              impact on joints while toning
                          exercises, from push-ups to                              hamstring and glutes.
                          burpees and star jumps.                                •  Pulling and pushing strider poles
                                                                                   works biceps, triceps, chest,
                                                                                   shoulders and back muscles.

                                                                                 Dip and crunch station
                       Agility ‘ladder’ (lines):                                 (upper body, core)

                                                                                 •  Work the abdominals, chest,
                      Standing or squat jumps                                      triceps and shoulders.
                      and walking lunges for
                      cardio, speed, coordination,                               •  Shape, build, and
                      joint and ligament strength                                  stabilise muscles.

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